Fosterville - Their space was really beautiful, sustainable, and fun to visit. Some inspiring aspects of their property were rain barrels catching water from the gutters, green roofs planted with succulents, and an outdoor oven (photos at bottom of post).
Some chicken flocks we meet included varieties of: Rhode Island Reds, Dominiques, Ameraucanas, Welsummers, Wyandottes. Wyandottes are pretty popular, and I learned that Ameraucanas lay pretty blue, green eggs. Indian Runner ducks are adorable! Chickens seem to be relatively independent, but the ducks we met roamed the yard together. Also, the ducks and chickens shared the coop and co-existed quiet well.
The tour was a great opportunity to see different styles and constructions of coops. There were a lot of clever designs - one I particularly liked had the hens' roosting space above a compost bin for some simplified cleaning. Additionally, I loved the inclusion of old windows, screen doors, and other refurbished house decor as design elements of the various coops.
It was nice to meet all you Portland chicken owners! With any luck, Wisdom will have a coop in next year's tour ;)
El Gallinero Azul (The Blue Coop)
green roof, Fosterville
outdoor oven, Fosterville
Indian Runner ducks, Fox Foul (Fowl!) Farm
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